Please click here to provide your details, along with one of the following legal documents:
- Marriage certificate or Civil Partnership certificate, either issued in the UK or registered overseas (both must have been translated into English)
- Deed Poll* (UK Only)
- Statutory Declaration (sworn or notarised by someone empowered to take oaths, such as a solicitor)
* note: we cannot accept screen prints of internet deed poll applications
If your name has changed due to divorce or dissolution, please provide any of the below:
- Decree Absolute (Divorce) and Birth Certificate
- Decree Absolute and a copy of the entry in the Register of Corrections (Scotland Only)
- Decree Absolute and Passport
- Final Dissolution Order and Birth Certificate
- Marriage certificate (when reverting to maiden name/former name, where the certificate contains both maiden and married name)
If you prefer, you can post the documentation to the below address, but please send a copy, not the original. Although we would take every care to return it to you safely, we cannot guarantee this.
Griffin House
40 Lever Street
M60 6ES
Whichever way you choose to contact us, please include your customer number so that we can locate your account.
Thank you!